Central Texas Animal Chiropractic Blog

Why is dental care important for horses?

Why is dental care important for horses?

In this post, we'll tackle a common question I get from my clients with horses quite often - Why is dental care important for horses? Why is dental care important for horses? Dental care is crucial for horses for several reasons: Proper Digestion: Horses are...

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Why canine rehab is essential

Why canine rehab is essential

Want to know why canine rehab is essential? Rehabilitation isn’t just for people; our four-legged friends can benefit from professional rehab services just like you and me. Why Canine Rehab Is Essential As a physical therapist, I treat people for acute injuries or...

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Importance of equine hoof care

Importance of equine hoof care

The importance of equine hoof care is paramount for the overall health, comfort, and performance of horses. Neglecting a horse’s feet and teeth will turn a good horse into a sour and potentially dangerous animal to work with. These are essential maintenance...

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Common allergies in pets

Common allergies in pets

Pets, like humans, can experience allergies. Common allergies in pets include: Flea allergy dermatitis is a common condition in dogs and cats. Pets may be allergic to flea saliva, and even a single flea bite can cause intense itching and discomfort. Some pets are...

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Arthritis in pets

Arthritis in pets

Arthritis in pets is a common condition that affects their joints, causing pain, inflammation, and stiffness. It can occur in dogs, cats, and other animals, especially as they age. Here are some key points about arthritis in pets: Causes: Arthritis in pets can be...

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Colic in horses

Colic in horses

Colic in horses refers to abdominal pain, which can have various causes. Colic is a serious medical condition that can be life threatening for horses. Often an impaction colic can be caused by dehydration and eating something that cannot pass through the digestive...

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